jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016









miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016


Is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock composed mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons


Crude oil is usually found in underground areas called reservoirs. It is liquid in nature and yellowish black in color. They  composed mainly ofhydrocarbons and organic compouns.They are usually discovered by oil prospecting scientists.


Natural Gas is colorless, shapeless, and odorless in its pure form. Unlike others fossil fuels , natural gas is clean burning and emits lower levels of potentially harmful by products into the air . It is therefore called "clean gas"

Propane is an energy-rich gas . It is chemical formula is C3H8.
It is one of the liquefied pretoleum gases (LPGs) that are found mixed with natural gas and oil.               


Nuclear energy is energy in the nucleud (core) of an atom .Atoms are tiny particles that make up every object in the universe. There is enormous energy un the bonds that hold átomos together.


Biomass fuels come from things that once lived: wood products, dried vegetation, crop residues, aquatic plants and even garbage. It is known as'Natural Material'. Plants used up a lot of the sun's energy to make their own food (photosynthesis).

Electricity generated from Biomass
Wind Power

Wind is caused by huge convection currents in the Earth's atmosphere, driven by heat energy from the Sun. This means as long as the sun shines, there will be wind.
wind formation
Water power

Moving water has kinetic energy. This can be transferred into useful energy in different ways. Hydroelectric power (HEP) schemes store water high up in dams. The water has gravitational potential energy which is released when it falls. 
Hydro-electricity dam
Geothermal energy

Deep down in the earth's crust, there is molten rock (magma). Molten rock is simply rocks that have melted into liquid form as a result of extreme heat under the earth.
geo-thermal energy
Solar power
Solar power is energy from the sun. "Solar" is the Latin word for "sun" and it's a powerful source of energy. Without it, there will be no life. Solar energy is considered as a serious source of energy for many years because of the vast amounts of energy that is made freely available, if harnessed by modern technology.
energy from the sun
Marine (Ocean) Energy

The oceans have an incredible amount of power and energy potential. Even though the marine energy technology has not fully delivered on its potential, there has been, in recent time, a number of areas in marine energy that has kicked off.
renewable energy usage


Non-renewable energy.

Non-renewable energy is energy from fossil fuels (coalcrude oil, natural gas) and uranium. Fossil fuels are mainly made up of Carbon. It is believed that fossil fuels were formed over 300 million years ago when the earth was a lot different in its landscape. 

renewable energy.
Renewable energy is generally defined as energy that is collected from resources which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlightwindraintideswaves, and geothermal heat.

Electrical energy

Matter is made up of atoms. In these atoms, there are some even small stuff called electrons that are constantly moving. The movement of these electrons depend on how much energy is has. This means every object has potential energy, even though some have more than others.

Humans can force these moving electrons along a path from one place to the other. There are special mediums (materials) called conductors, that carry this energy. Some materials cannot carry energy in this form, and they are called insulators. We generate electrical energy whey we succeed to cause the these electrons to move from one atom to the other, with the use of magnetic forces. 

electrical nergy
Sound energy

Sound is the movement of energy through substances in longitudinal (compression/rarefaction) waves. 
Sound is produced when a force causes an object or substance to vibrate . The energy is transferred through the substance in a wave. Typically, the energy in sound is far less than other forms of energy.

Sound energy example
Heat (Thermal energy)

Matter is made up of particles or molecules. These molecules move (or vibrate) constantly. A rise in the temperature of matter makes the particles vibrate faster. Thermal energy is what we call energy that comes from the temperature of matter. The hotter the substance, the more its molecules vibrate, and the therefore the higher its thermal energy.


Light energy is a type of kinetic energy with the ability to form types of light people can see as well as invisible waves. Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation, and hot objects, such as light bulbs, the sun and lasers, emit it.

Wind is caused by huge convection currents in the Earth's atmosphere, driven by heat energy from the Sun. This means as long as the sun shines, there will be wind.
wind formation

Chemical energy

Chemical Energy is energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds (atoms and molecules). It is released in a chemical reaction, often producing heat as a by product (exothermic reaction). Batteries, biomass, petroleum, natural gas, and coal are examples of stored chemical energy. Usually, once chemical energy is released from a substance, that substance is transformed into an entirely new substance.

Electrical energy
Matter is made up of atoms. In these atoms, there are some even small stuff called electrons that are constantly moving. The movement of these electrons depend on how much energy is has. This means every object has potential energy, even though some have more than others.

electrical nergy
Gravitational energy

 Is potential energy associated with the gravitational field. This phrase is found frequently in scientific writings about quasars (quasi-stellar objects) and other actives galaxies. Quasars generate and emit their energy from a very small region. The emission of large amounts of power from a small region requires a power source far more efficient than the nuclear fusion that powers stars. 
Gravitational & Potential Energy Diagram

Nuclear energy is the energy in the nucleus of an atom. Atoms are the smallest particles that can break a material. At the core of each atom there are two types of particles (neutrons and protons) that are held together. Nuclear energy is the energy that holds neutrons and protons.

Measure of the ability of a body or system to do work or produce a change

expressed usually in joules or kilowatt hours . No activity is possible 

without energy and its total amount in the universe is fixed. In other words, it 

cannot be created or destroyed but can only be changed from one type to 

another. The two basic types of energy are

 (1) Potential:energy associated with

the nature, position, or state (such as chemical energy, electrical 

energy,nuclear energy). 

(2) Kinetic: energy associated with motion (such as a 

moving car or a spinning wheel).